The Benefits of Hiring a Concrete Paving Contractor 
If your commercial building is in need of a new sidewalk, or even pothole repair, think about the benefits of working with a concrete paving contractor. While there are several other paving materials available, concrete has specific advantages.
Overall Durability
Talk to any representative of a concrete paving company and you’ll soon learn how durable concrete is. Concrete is hard enough to stay in great condition for years to come, helping you save money and time, especially during severe weather conditions that force pavement to expand and contract.
General Sustainability
Looking to make your business site as environmentally-friendly as possible? Turn to a concrete paving contractor to help you reach that goal.
Because concrete is so long-lasting, you don’t have to replace it often, allowing you to save on the cost of materials and resources.
Concrete helps combat what’s known as the “urban heat island effect,” what happens when an urban environment absorbs more heat than the surrounding rural areas. Since concrete is lighter in color compared to asphalt pavement, it doesn’t absorb as much heat from the sun. In the end, municipalities and business owners can meet their sustainability goals with concrete.
Low Maintenance
Concrete has a low maintenance threshold, which goes a long way in saving you time and money over the years. You won’t have to worry about shutting down or limiting business longer than necessary when you do need repairs.
Contact a Concrete Paving Contractor
If you’re interested in learning more about concrete, contact us and we’d be happy to help. Call us at 315-589-8661 or submit a contact form.
Concrete Projects

Random Flagstone Stamped Concrete
Concrete is one of the most widely used material in the world. It requires low maintenance but endures the test of time. When installed correctly, it’s one of the most aesthetically pleasing materials used today. Choose your Concrete Project from the List Below:
- Sidewalks
- Garage Floors
- Concrete Aprons
- Stamped Concrete
- Retaining Walls
- Pole Barn Floors
- Patios
- Catch Basin Rebuild/Repairs
- Integral Concrete Curbing
Want to Know More about Driveways and Seal Coat?

Broom Finish Sidewalk
Broom Finish
A broom finish gives your sidewalk, poolside, or patio an aesthetic quality to complete your outdoor aura. We sweep a broom across wet cement to create that last, finishing touch. The finish makes the surface slip-resistant and adds interesting, eye-catching detail.

Catch Basin Repair
Catch Basin Rebuild/Repair
Catch basins provide an easy solution for surface water runoff. The basin needs to function well especially for wet seasons. Over time the surrounding concrete may sink lower than the basin, which encourages standing water to collect around the base. We can remodel the structure of the basin to correct current problems and prevent future ones from forming.

Retaining Walls
Retaining Walls
Concrete retaining walls provide support on landscapes where the soil forms a natural slope. They are a convenient and functional solution to areas that need certain attention. We also provide freestanding concrete walls for durable fencing.

Concrete Sidewalk
Concrete sidewalks provide roadside appeal to any building. Through different design options that are now available, sidewalks increase the beauty of any outdoor place. In addition, they direct traffic to desired locations and can be built on preplanned walkways.

Grand Ashlar Slate: Stamped Concrete
One of the most durable paving options, concrete patios provide a low-cost, low-maintenance option for outdoor lounging areas. They come with almost unlimited options of design. Since they conform to any given shape you desire, you can fill any outdoor area you want.